/** * Wise Chat core controller. * * @author Marcin Ławrowski * @link */ function WiseChatController(options) { var progressBar = new WiseChatProgressBar(options); var notifier = new WiseChatNotifier(options); var messagesHistory = new WiseChatMessagesHistory(); var imageViewer = new WiseChatImageViewer(); var dateFormatter = new WiseChatDateFormatter(); var messageAttachments = new WiseChatMessageAttachments(options, imageViewer, progressBar); var dateAndTimeRenderer = new WiseChatDateAndTimeRenderer(options, dateFormatter); var messages = new WiseChatMessages(options, messagesHistory, messageAttachments, dateAndTimeRenderer, notifier, progressBar); var settings = new WiseChatSettings(options, messages); var maintenanceExecutor = new WiseChatMaintenanceExecutor(options, messages); var emoticonsPanel = new WiseChatEmoticonsPanel(options, messages); messages.start(); maintenanceExecutor.start(); }; /** * WiseChatDateFormatter class. Formats dates given in UTC timezone. * * @author Marcin Ławrowski */ function WiseChatDateFormatter() { function makeLeadZero(number) { return (number < 10 ? '0' : '') + number; } /** * Parses date given in ISO format. * * @param {String} isoDate Date in ISO format * * @return {Date} Parsed date */ function parseISODate(isoDate) { var s = isoDate.split(/\D/); return new Date(Date.UTC(s[0], --s[1]||'', s[2]||'', s[3]||'', s[4]||'', s[5]||'', s[6]||'')) } /** * Determines whether two dates have equal day, month and year. * * @param {Date} firstDate * @param {Date} secondDate * * @return {Boolean} */ function isSameDate(firstDate, secondDate) { var dateFormatStr = 'Y-m-d'; return formatDate(firstDate, dateFormatStr) == formatDate(secondDate, dateFormatStr); } /** * Returns formatted date. * * @param {Date} date Date to format as a string * @param {String} format Desired date format * * @return {String} Formatted date */ function formatDate(date, format) { format = format.replace(/Y/, date.getFullYear()); format = format.replace(/m/, makeLeadZero(date.getMonth() + 1)); format = format.replace(/d/, makeLeadZero(date.getDate())); format = format.replace(/H/, makeLeadZero(date.getHours())); format = format.replace(/i/, makeLeadZero(date.getMinutes())); return format; } /** * Returns localized time without seconds. * * @param {Date} date Date to format as a string * * @return {String} Localized time */ function getLocalizedTime(date) { if (typeof (date.toLocaleTimeString) != "undefined") { var timeLocale = date.toLocaleTimeString(); if ((timeLocale.match(/:/g) || []).length == 2) { timeLocale = timeLocale.replace(/:\d\d$/, ''); timeLocale = timeLocale.replace(/:\d\d /, ' '); timeLocale = timeLocale.replace(/[A-Z]{2,4}\-\d{1,2}/, ''); timeLocale = timeLocale.replace(/[A-Z]{2,4}/, ''); } return timeLocale; } else { return formatDate(date, 'H:i'); } } /** * Returns localized date. * * @param {Date} date Date to format as a string * * @return {String} Localized date */ function getLocalizedDate(date) { if (typeof (date.toLocaleDateString) != "undefined") { return date.toLocaleDateString(); } else { return formatDate(date, 'Y-m-d'); } } // public API: this.formatDate = formatDate; this.parseISODate = parseISODate; this.isSameDate = isSameDate; this.getLocalizedTime = getLocalizedTime; this.getLocalizedDate = getLocalizedDate; }; /** * WiseChatMessageAttachments class. Attachments management. * * @author Marcin Ławrowski */ function WiseChatMessageAttachments(options, imageViewer, progressBar) { var IMAGE_TYPES = ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif']; var prepareImageEndpoint = options.apiEndpointBase + '?action=wise_chat_prepare_image_endpoint'; var container = jQuery('#' + options.chatId); var messageAttachmentsPanel = container.find('.wcMessageAttachments'); var imageUploadPreviewImage = container.find('.wcImageUploadPreview'); var imageUploadFile = container.find('.wcImageUploadFile'); var attachmentClearButton = container.find('.wcAttachmentClear'); var fileUploadFile = container.find('.wcFileUploadFile'); var fileUploadNamePreview = container.find('.wcFileUploadNamePreview'); var attachments = []; function showErrorMessage(message) { alert(message); } function addAttachment(type, data, name) { attachments.push({ type: type, data: data, name: name }); } function showImageAttachment() { if (attachments.length > 0 && attachments[0].type === 'image') {[0].data); } } function onImageUploadFileChange() { var fileInput = imageUploadFile[0]; if (typeof FileReader === 'undefined' || fileInput.files.length === 0) { showErrorMessage('Unsupported operation'); return; } var fileDetails = fileInput.files[0]; if (fileDetails.size && fileDetails.size > options.imagesSizeLimit) { showErrorMessage(options.messages.messageSizeLimitError); return; } if (IMAGE_TYPES.indexOf(getExtension(fileDetails)) > -1) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function(event) { clearAttachments(); prepareImage(, function(preparedImageData) { addAttachment('image', preparedImageData);; imageUploadPreviewImage.attr('src', preparedImageData);; imageUploadFile.val(''); }); }; fileReader.readAsDataURL(fileDetails); } else { showErrorMessage(options.messages.messageUnsupportedTypeOfFile); } } function prepareImage(imageSource, successCallback) { var that = this; progressBar.setValue(0);; jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: prepareImageEndpoint, data: { data: imageSource, checksum: options.checksum }, progressUpload: function(event) { if (event.lengthComputable) { var percent = parseInt(event.loaded / * 100); if (percent > 100) { percent = 100; } progressBar.setValue(percent); } } }) .success(function(result) { progressBar.hide(); successCallback.apply(that, [result]); }) .error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { progressBar.hide(); try { var response = jQuery.parseJSON(jqXHR.responseText); if (typeof response.error != 'undefined') { showErrorMessage(response.error); } else { showErrorMessage('Image preparation error'); } } catch (e) { showErrorMessage('Unknown error occurred'); } }); } function onFileUploadFileChange() { var fileInput = fileUploadFile[0]; if (typeof FileReader === 'undefined' || fileInput.files.length === 0) { showErrorMessage('Unsupported operation'); return; } var fileDetails = fileInput.files[0]; if (options.attachmentsValidFileFormats.indexOf(getExtension(fileDetails)) > -1) { var fileReader = new FileReader(); var fileName =; if (fileDetails.size > options.attachmentsSizeLimit) { showErrorMessage(options.messages.messageSizeLimitError); } else { fileReader.onload = function(event) { clearAttachments(); addAttachment('file',, fileName); fileUploadNamePreview.html(fileName);;; }; fileReader.readAsDataURL(fileDetails); } } else { showErrorMessage(options.messages.messageUnsupportedTypeOfFile); } } function getExtension(fileDetails) { if (typeof !== 'undefined') { var splitted ='.'); if (splitted.length > 1) { return splitted.pop().toLowerCase(); } } return null; } function resetInput(inputField) { inputField.wrap('
').parent('form').trigger('reset'); inputField.unwrap(); } /** * Returns an array of prepared attachments. * * @return {Array} */ function getAttachments() { return attachments; } /** * Clears all added attachments, resets and hides UI related to added attachments. */ function clearAttachments() { attachments = []; messageAttachmentsPanel.hide(); fileUploadNamePreview.hide(); fileUploadNamePreview.html(''); imageUploadPreviewImage.hide(); resetInput(fileUploadFile); resetInput(imageUploadFile); } // DOM events: imageUploadFile.change(onImageUploadFileChange); fileUploadFile.change(onFileUploadFileChange);;; // public API: this.getAttachments = getAttachments; this.clearAttachments = clearAttachments; }; /** * WiseChatImageViewer * * @author Marcin Ławrowski */ function WiseChatImageViewer() { var HOURGLASS_ICON = ""; var container = jQuery('body'); var imagePreviewFade = container.find('.wcImagePreviewFade'); var imagePreview = container.find('.wcImagePreview'); if (imagePreviewFade.length === 0) { container.append('
'); imagePreviewFade = container.find('.wcImagePreviewFade'); imagePreview = container.find('.wcImagePreview'); } function show(imageSource) { clearRemnants();; addAndShowHourGlass(); var imageElement = jQuery(''); imageElement.on('load', function() { removeHourGlass(); var image = jQuery(this); var additionalMargin = 20; var windowWidth = jQuery(window).width(); var windowHeight = jQuery(window).height();; if (image.width() > windowWidth && image.height() > windowHeight) { if (image.width() > image.height()) { image.width(windowWidth - additionalMargin); } else { image.height(windowHeight - additionalMargin); } } else if (image.width() > windowWidth) { image.width(windowWidth - additionalMargin); } else if (image.height() > windowHeight) { image.height(windowHeight - additionalMargin); } var topPosition = Math.max(0, ((windowHeight - jQuery(this).outerHeight()) / 2) + jQuery(window).scrollTop()); var leftMargin = -1 * (image.width() / 2); imagePreview.css({ top: topPosition + "px", marginLeft: leftMargin + "px" }); }); imageElement.attr('src', imageSource); imageElement.appendTo(imagePreview);; } function hide() { clearRemnants(); imagePreview.hide(); imagePreviewFade.hide(); } function clearRemnants() { imagePreview.find('img').remove(); } function addAndShowHourGlass() { var windowHeight = jQuery(window).height(); var imageElement = jQuery(''); var topPosition = Math.max(0, ((windowHeight - 24) / 2) + jQuery(window).scrollTop()); imageElement.attr('src', HOURGLASS_ICON); imageElement.appendTo(imagePreview); imagePreview.css({ top: topPosition + "px", marginLeft: "-12px" });; } function removeHourGlass() { container.find('.wcHourGlass').remove(); } // DOM events:; // public API: = show; this.hide = hide; }; /** * WiseChatNotifier - window title and sound notifiers. * * @author Marcin Ławrowski */ function WiseChatNotifier(options) { var isWindowFocused = true; var isTitleNotificationVisible = false; var rawTitle = document.title; var notificationNumber = 0; var soundNotification = null; function initializeSoundFeatures() { var soundFile = options.soundNotification; if (soundFile != null && soundFile.length > 0) { soundNotification = jQuery('#wcMessagesNotificationAudio'); if (soundNotification.length > 0) { return; } var soundFileURLWav = options.baseDir + 'sounds/' + soundFile + '.wav'; var soundFileURLMp3 = options.baseDir + 'sounds/' + soundFile + '.mp3'; var soundFileURLOgg = options.baseDir + 'sounds/' + soundFile + '.ogg'; var container = jQuery('body'); container.append( '' ); soundNotification = jQuery('#wcMessagesNotificationAudio'); } } function playSoundNotification() { if (soundNotification !== null && soundNotification[0].play) { soundNotification[0].play(); } } function showTitleNotification() { if (!isTitleNotificationVisible) { isTitleNotificationVisible = true; rawTitle = document.title; } notificationNumber++; document.title = '(' + notificationNumber + ') (!) ' + rawTitle; setTimeout(function() { showTitleNotificationAnimStep1(); }, 1500); } function showTitleNotificationAnimStep1() { if (isTitleNotificationVisible) { document.title = '(' + notificationNumber + ') ' + rawTitle; } } function hideTitleNotification() { if (isTitleNotificationVisible) { document.title = rawTitle; isTitleNotificationVisible = false; notificationNumber = 0; } } function onWindowBlur() { isWindowFocused = false; } function onWindowFocus() { isWindowFocused = true; hideTitleNotification(); } function sendNotifications() { if (options.enableTitleNotifications && !isWindowFocused) { showTitleNotification(); } if (!options.userSettings.muteSounds) { playSoundNotification(); } } // start-up actions: initializeSoundFeatures(); // DOM events: jQuery(window).blur(onWindowBlur); jQuery(window).focus(onWindowFocus); // public API: this.sendNotifications = sendNotifications; } /** * WiseChatDateAndTimeRenderer - renders date and time next to each message according to the settings. * * @author Marcin Ławrowski */ function WiseChatDateAndTimeRenderer(options, dateFormatter) { var dateAndTimeMode = options.messagesTimeMode; function formatFullDateAndTime(date, nowDate, element) { if (dateFormatter.isSameDate(nowDate, date)) { element.html(dateFormatter.getLocalizedTime(date)); } else { element.html(dateFormatter.getLocalizedDate(date) + ' ' + dateFormatter.getLocalizedTime(date)); } element.attr('data-fixed', '1'); } function formatElapsedDateAndTime(date, nowDate, element) { var yesterdayDate = new Date(); var diffSeconds = parseInt((nowDate.getTime() - date.getTime()) / 1000); yesterdayDate.setDate(nowDate.getDate() - 1); var formattedDateAndTime = ''; var isFixed = false; if (diffSeconds < 60) { if (diffSeconds <= 0) { diffSeconds = 1; } formattedDateAndTime = diffSeconds + ' ' + options.messages.messageSecAgo; } else if (diffSeconds < 60 * 60) { formattedDateAndTime = parseInt(diffSeconds / 60) + ' ' + options.messages.messageMinAgo; } else if (dateFormatter.isSameDate(nowDate, date)) { formattedDateAndTime = dateFormatter.getLocalizedTime(date); isFixed = true; } else if (dateFormatter.isSameDate(yesterdayDate, date)) { formattedDateAndTime = options.messages.messageYesterday + ' ' + dateFormatter.getLocalizedTime(date); isFixed = true; } else { formattedDateAndTime = dateFormatter.getLocalizedDate(date) + ' ' + dateFormatter.getLocalizedTime(date); isFixed = true; } element.html(formattedDateAndTime); if (isFixed) { element.attr('data-fixed', '1'); } } /** * Format all elements containing dates withing parent container. * * @param {jQuery} date Date to format as a string * @param {String} nowISODate Now date * */ function convertUTCMessagesTime(parentContainer, nowISODate) { if (dateAndTimeMode === 'hidden') { return; } parentContainer.find('.wcMessageTime:not([data-fixed])').each(function(index, element) { element = jQuery(element); var date = dateFormatter.parseISODate('utc')); var nowDate = dateFormatter.parseISODate(nowISODate); if (dateAndTimeMode === 'elapsed') { formatElapsedDateAndTime(date, nowDate, element); } else { formatFullDateAndTime(date, nowDate, element); } }); } // public API: this.convertUTCMessagesTime = convertUTCMessagesTime; } /** * WiseChatProgressBar - controls the main progress bar. */ function WiseChatProgressBar(options) { var container = jQuery('#' + options.chatId); var progressBar = container.find('.wcMainProgressBar'); // provide access to progress events to AJAX requests: (function addXhrProgressEvent(jQuery) { var originalXhr = jQuery.ajaxSettings.xhr; jQuery.ajaxSetup({ xhr: function() { var req =, that = this; if (req) { if (typeof req.addEventListener == "function" && that.progress !== undefined) { req.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) { that.progress(evt); }, false); } if (typeof req.upload == "object" && that.progressUpload !== undefined) { req.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(evt) { that.progressUpload(evt); }, false); } } return req; } }); })(jQuery); function show() {; } function hide() { progressBar.hide(); } function setValue(value) { progressBar.attr("value", value); } // public API: = show; this.hide = hide; this.setValue = setValue; } /** * WiseChatEmoticonsPanel class is responsible for displaying emoticons layer and inserting selected emoticon * into message input field. * * @param {Object} options * @param {WiseChatMessages} messages * @constructor */ function WiseChatEmoticonsPanel(options, messages) { var EMOTICONS = [ 'zip-it', 'blush', 'angry', 'not-one-care', 'laugh-big', 'please', 'cool', 'minishock', 'devil', 'silly', 'smile', 'devil-laugh', 'heart', 'not-guilty', 'hay', 'in-love', 'meow', 'tease', 'gift', 'kissy', 'sad', 'speechless', 'goatse', 'fools', 'why-thank-you', 'wink', 'angel', 'annoyed', 'flower', 'surprised', 'female', 'laugh', 'ill', 'total-shock', 'zzz', 'clock', 'oh', 'mail', 'crazy', 'cry', 'boring', 'geek' ]; var EMOTICONS_SHORTCUTS = { 'smile': ':)', 'wink': ';)', 'laugh': ':D', 'laugh-big': 'xD', 'sad': ':(', 'cry': ';(', 'kissy': ':*', 'silly': ':P', 'crazy': ';P', 'angry': ':[', 'devil-laugh': ':>', 'devil': ':]', 'goatse': ':|' }; var LAYER_ID = 'wcEmoticonsLayer' + options.chatId; var container = jQuery('#' + options.chatId); var insertEmoticonButton = container.find('.wcInsertEmoticonButton'); var layer = jQuery('#' + LAYER_ID); if (insertEmoticonButton.length > 0 && layer.length === 0) { layer = jQuery('
') .attr('id', LAYER_ID) .attr('class', 'wcEmoticonsLayer') .hide(); jQuery('body').append(layer); // build buttons: for (var i = 0; i < EMOTICONS.length; i++) { var emoticon = EMOTICONS[i]; var imageSrc = options.emoticonsBaseURL + emoticon + '.png'; var button = jQuery('') .attr('href', 'javascript://') .attr('title', emoticon) .append(jQuery('').attr('src', imageSrc)) .click(function (emoticon) { return function () { onEmoticonClick(emoticon); } }(emoticon)); layer.append(button); } } function hideLayer() { layer.hide(); jQuery(document).unbind("mousedown", onDocumentMouseDown); } function showLayer() {; jQuery(document).bind("mousedown", onDocumentMouseDown); } function onDocumentMouseDown(event) { if (insertEmoticonButton[0] != && layer[0] != && !jQuery.contains(layer[0], { hideLayer(); } } function onInsertEmoticonButtonClick() { if (!':visible')) { layer.css({ top: insertEmoticonButton.offset().top, left: insertEmoticonButton.offset().left - layer.outerWidth() - 5 }); showLayer(); } else { hideLayer(); } } var onEmoticonClick = function(emoticon) { var emoticonCode = EMOTICONS_SHORTCUTS[emoticon] ? EMOTICONS_SHORTCUTS[emoticon] : '<' + emoticon + '>'; messages.appendTextToInputField(emoticonCode); hideLayer(); };; }